


    北京,2024年6月14日——专注于中国生命科学工具的系统方案服务商“森西赛智科技有限公司(SinSage Technology)”和比利时高端微生物质量控制仪器供应商“Microtechnix”在今天高兴地宣布:双方将合作在中国推出EMMA“全自动微生物环境监测”产品线。

    由Microtechnix开发和制造的EMMA系列仪器代表了GxP工艺中微生物环境监测的突破性进展。这款模块化台式仪器可根据用户需求进行扩展,具有内部开发的特殊光学系统,可确保对带盖的培养皿实现100%表面积(包括侧壁)的成像,而不漏失任何一个角落。结合集成的条形码阅读器和符合21 CFRpart 11标准的软件平台,EMMA增强了微生物环境质控的数字化和数据完整性。









Email: info@microtechnix.com

电话: +32-3-6464145

网站: www.microtechnix.com


Email: info@sinsitech.com

电话: +86-10-61666616

网站: www.sinsage.com.cn

SinSage Technology Becomes appointed as general distributor for Microtechnix in China

Beijing, June 14, 2024— SinSage Technology, a key distributor in the life science sector in China, and Microtechnix, a Belgian provider of high-end instruments for microbial quality control, are pleased to announce their partnership to introduce the EMMA product line in China.

The EMMA series, developed and manufactured by Microtechnix, represents a groundbreaking advancement in microbial environmental monitoring for GxP facilities. This modular benchtop tool is designed to scale with user needs, featuring an in-house developed special optical system that ensures complete acquisition of 100% of the Petri dish surface, including its walls, with the lid on. Coupled with an integrated barcode reader and a software platform compliant with 21 CFR part 11, EMMA enhances both digitization and data integrity.

This strategic cooperation will leverage Microtechnix’s technical expertise and application knowledge alongside SinSage Technology’s extensive network and market insight. Together, they aim to increase the adoption of digitization and automation capabilities within the pharmaceutical microbiology field in China. Both companies are committed to fostering long-term relationships with joint customers in the region.

About SinSage Technology: SinSage Technology is a professional instrument service provider in China, offering the most advanced instruments and cutting-edge life science equipment to enhance research capabilities. Our product line encompasses all aspects of life science and technology, including molecules, proteins, cells, tissues, small animals, and lab automation etc. At SinSage Technology, we firmly believe in putting Science First!

Contact Information:


Email: info@microtechnix.com

Tel: +32-3-6464145

Web: www.microtechnix.com

SinSage Technology

Email: info@sinsitech.com

Tel: +86-10-61666616

Web: www.sinsage.com.cn


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森西赛智科技是集自主研发、海外先进技术国内整合转化和引进海外前沿产品为一体的生命科学 仪器专业服务平台。